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Can Juicing Really Give Your Eyes X-Ray Vision?

Posted on June 30 2023

If you can read this without glasses, thank a juice!

Here’s the thing about our eyes.

Eyes need very specific things to function properly. And what they need most is a healthy body that is replete with Vitamins A, B and E. Without these in proper cooperation within our systems, eyes degenerate.

Most people are (very!) deficient in vitamin A. Are you? Here’s out to tell:
If your eyes are sensitive to light – especially if you’re wearing sunglasses, then it is likely that you are vitamin A deficient.
Or, if you’re “night blind” this is even more true.

This is particularly a passionate topic for me, because before I started juicing (and for about three years) I thought I had damaged retinas. I would avoid driving at night, or when I just had to I drove on roads that I knew were well-lit. I even got kind of use to it. Then, when I started juicing among the first signs that I saw that juicing was positively benefiting my health was my improving vision – especially my night vision. While driving home one evening I was startled to see bunnies and chipmunks hanging out at dusk. I had not even noticed for years! Indeed, two months after I started juicing, I put down my reading glasses and haven’t picked them up in over three years! (if you want my full story, you can read my “about” page).

Here’s how Vitamin A works in our eyes:

There’s a substance that’s part of our eye mechanics called “visual purple.” It just so happens that to work right, visual purple must be chocked full of vitamin A. Whenever light contacts our eyeball, the light activates visual purple, and at the same time deteriorates it.

It’s kind of like how film-based cameras work – a chemical reaction — and the burned away visual purple is like the film negative: it instantly burns away to reveal ‘the picture’ of what your looking at straight through the optic nerve and into your brain. And it does this thousands and thousands of times a second, it’s like using up the film (remember those days?) … without vitamin A, your eyes, by analogy, ‘run out of film’.

When your eyes are functioning properly, more visual purple is continuously created in the eyes … you get the picture?

This affects how we see in the day and the night, but especially at night. In fact, one study found that many nighttime auto accidents are by persons deficient in vitamin A.

At the other end of the spectrum (pun!), the majority of people who wear dark glasses are also consuming too little vitamin A for normal vision. This is only exacerbated by glare, screens, TV watching etc.

So, if you’re having a hard time driving at night, spend a lot of time looking at computers and personal device screens, and/or can’t be outdoors without your shades, then: you don’t need darker glasses, but you might need some carrot juice in your life.

A Note on Bio-Availability: Break Them Cell Walls!

One of the best ways to insure you’re getting the most benefits of carotenoid-rich vitamins is by juicing veggies rich in vitamin A and consuming the juice immediately. Oxygen exposure depletes the beta-carotene pre-vitamin A quickly. So, this is one reason why I recommend cold-pressed juice over centrifugally juiced veggies (which instantly oxidizes the juice, which is why centrifugally-made carrot juice turns brown … it’s dead!). Also, for maximum absorption, drink your vitamin A rich juice with some form of Omega 3 fats.

Also, you may read that getting vitamin A in butter for fat form is ‘better.’ However, while fats carry more vitamin A, juicing is a much healthier option than downing loads of butter (which acidifies the stomach and body). Additionally, fat-based vitamin A sources lack the enzymes the body need to absorb vitamin A (and other fat-soluble vitamins).

Juicing is one of THE BEST ways to consume the maximum amount enzyme potential.

Enzymes are those happy little catalysts our bodies need for essential, effective functioning. They are like the framework of a bridge that the car-like vitamins use to cross the chasms of the cell walls. They increase the rate chemical reactions within every cell in the body!

Stated another way, abundant enzymes are found in fruits and vegetables and help transport vitamins into your body’s cells. However, enzymes become sluggish and break down if they warm to above 118 degrees, and deteriorate completely above 130 degrees. So, take note that many very high speed centrifugal juicers (and even some blenders) generate temperatures of about 180 degrees. YIKES!

So, again, heat breaks down enzymes and vitamins, and is another reason why cold-press juicing is preferred over centrifugal juicing.

In a sense, centrifugal juicers are like an iron-maiden for your vegetables!

Maybe all you need to do to improve your night-vision, to end light-sensitivity, and to put down your reading glasses (at least for awhile), is to add fresh cold-pressed juice to your daily diet.


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